Time management
As we know, a project is a series of actions in a limited amount of time. Accurate management of time is a key aspect of the quality of your project. We can describe time management as “the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.”
In order to have good time management you need to:
In the project planning phase:
– plan in advance how much time you need for each task
– always assigns the maximum time possible for each task, be generous in allocation time better to be in advance than late
– use a Gantt chart to see all your actions in the project
In the project management phase:
– use your Gantt chart to track the schedule of the project but be aware that things change and you will surely have to set new internal deadlines, keep to milestone and be flexible in the internal organization of the work
– despite the uncertainty and changes, be clear with your partners and your users or target group that meeting deadlines is part of reliability
– the project manager and the quality group must track the compliance with deadlines and goals
In the reporting phase:
– if you alter your schedule during the project lifetime you will probably have to explain it to your donors. You will have to demonstrate why you had to change your plan and how you kept goals and quality standards.