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VTI Project Volunteering as a tool for Inclusion

Disaster prevention, preparedness and recovery

Employability and entrepreneurship

Physical education and sport

The VTI Project brings together volunteer centers and volunteer organizations from 8 European countries.
The overal aim is to increase the social inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalized peripheral groups through
volunteering in partner countreis and to share exisitng experiences/practices/tools in this particular field.

The project was carried out by 8 partner organisations from the European countries: Croatia, Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lativa, Romania and Slovenia.





- Exchanging experiences between Member States: how to involve disadvantaged people in volunteering.
- Developing a framework for cooperation with different vulnerable social groups:disabled, unemployed, the elderly,
socially disadvantaged, other groups such as migrants, minorities, etc.
- Develop a kind of guide for the preparation of volunteer coordinators to help the coordinator involve these groups
in working with the volunteers.
- A compilation of good practices to encourage additional volunteer centers and organizations employing women.

The project results developed a set of recommendations for organizing host volunteer programs
This publication provides useful practical advice for organizations employing volunteers on how to work with
volunteers in special groups and how to help these organizations prepare to receive vulnerable volunteers.

Roles of the volunteers


Have been involved in the implementation

Eu program


Disadvantaged groups, social inclusion, shared-experiences

Quality Standards of project with volunteers

I declare that my project meets all the quality requirements here listed

  • There are clear, planned outcomes for the local community based on identified needs.
  • Volunteers bring added value to the project and don’t replace paid staff.
  • Volunteers are recruited, trained and managed according to the quality volunteer management cycle.
  • The conditions of the opportunity are inline with the relevant legal framework in the country/ region concerned. Eg regarding insurance, expenses payments, agreements/contracts etc.
  • The volunteers are celebrated and thanked for their time and commitment.


  • The organization providing the volunteer opportunity demonstrates an inclusive approach. Volunteers from all backgrounds and situations are welcome.


  • There is the opportunity for the learning acquired through volunteering to be validated, if the volunteer desires it.


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