- Komunikacja interkulturowa w pracy międzynarodowej
- Czym jest kultura?
- Kultura jest jak góra lodowa
- Kultura i jej podstawowe elementy
- Czym jest komunikacja międzykulturowa?
- Jakie są wyzwania w komunikacji międzykulturowej
- Dlaczego ważne są inne umiejętności poza mówieniem w językach obcych?
- Poszerzanie świadomości kulturowej w komunikacji transnarodowej
- Wybór odpowiednich strategii komunikacyjnych
- Zarządzanie konfliktami międzykulturowymi
- Potknięcia w komunikacji międzykulturowej
- Jakie są elementy, które mogą prowadzić do sytuacji konfliktowej?
- Strategie rozwiązywania konfliktów
- Zapobieganie konfliktom
- Praca nad międzykulturowym wizerunkiem organizacji
- Czym jest “wizerunek” organizacji?
- Dlaczego należy dostosować wizerunek organizacji do warunków kulturowych?
- Jak możesz pracować nad swoim wizerunkiem międzykulturowym?
- Quiz
- Zasoby zewnętrzne
Zasoby zewnętrzne
- Bolten, J. (2013). Fuzzy Cultures: Konsequenzen eines offenen und mehrwertigen Kulturbegriffs für Konzeptualisierungen interkultureller Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen, Mondial: Sietar Journal für interkulturelle Perspektiven, pp. 4-10. – Discussion about new perspectives on the term culture
- Hall, E. T. (1976). Beyond Culture. New York: Anchor Books. – Discussion of cultural dimensions
- Hofstede, G. and Hofstede G.J. (2009). Die Regeln des sozialen Spiels. In: G. Hofstede and G.J. Hofstede, ed., Lokales Denken, globales Handeln. 4th ed. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, p. 2. – Discussion of cultural dimensions
- House, R. J., Dorfman, P. W., Javidan, M., Hanges, P. J. and de Luque, M. S. (2014). Strategic Leadership Across Cultures: GLOBE Study of CEO Leadership Behavior and Effectiveness in 24 Countries. Thousand Oaks / London: Sage. – Discussion of cultural dimensions
- Kroeber, A.L. and Kluckhohn, C. (1952). Culture. A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions. New York: Vintage Books, p. 291. – Discussion of the term culture
- Layes, G. (2005). Cultural Dimensions. In: A. Thomas, E.-U. Kinast and S. Schroll-Machl, ed., Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation, vol. 1, 2nd ed. Göttingen: Vanderhoek & Rupprecht, p. 53-64. – Discussion of cultural standards
- Löchte, A. (2005). Johann Gottfried Herder. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. – Discussion of the term culture, also in history
- Straub, A. (2007). Kultur. In: J. Straub, A. Weidemann and D. Weidemann, ed., Handbuch interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kompetenz: Grundbegriffe – Theorien – Anwendungsfelder. Stuttgart and Weimar: J.B. Metzler, pp. 7-24. – Discussion of the term culture
- Thomas, A. (2010). Culture and Cultural Standards. In: A. Thomas, E.-U. Kinast and S. Schroll-Machl, ed., Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation, vol.1, 2nd ed. Göttingen: Vanderhoek & Rupprecht, p. 22. – Discussion of cultural standards
- Triandis, H. C. (2002). Subjective culture, Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. 2,2 [pdf]. Bellingham: Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Western Washington University, p.3. Available at: https://doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1021 [Accessed 10.07.2020]. – Discussion of cultural dimensions
- Trompenaars, F. (1997). Riding the Waves of Culture. 2. ed. London / Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, p. 6. – Discussion of cultural dimensions
- Welsch, W. (1999). Transculturality: The Puzzling Form of Cultures Today. In: M. Featherstone and S. Lash, ed., Spaces of Culture: City, Nation, World. London: Sage, pp. 194-213. – Discussion of the concept culture
- Barmeyer, C. (2012). Taschenlexikon Interkulturalität. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.- Basic notions on Intercultural Communication
- Bennett, M. (2017). Development model of intercultural sensitivity. In: Y. Kim, ed., International encyclopedia of intercultural communication. Wiley: Wiley Online Library.
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318430742_Developmental_Model_of_Intercultural_Sensitivity/citation/download [Accessed 1.5.2020]- Modello che illustra come migliorare la propria consapevolezza interculturale e sensibilità
- Ghadban, R. (2020). Arabische Clans: die unterschätzte Gefahr. Berlin: Ullstein.- Analisi delle strutture familiari nelle culture arabe
- Hall, E. (1966). The Hidden Dimension. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday- Discussione delle dimensioni culturali
- Lüsebrink, H.-J. (2016). Interkulturelle Kommunikation. Interaktion, Fremdwahrnehmung, Kulturtransfer. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.- Nozioni fondamentali sulla comunicazione interculturale
- Pease, A. and Pease, B. (2013). Die kalte Schulter und der warme Händedruck: ganz natürliche Erklärungen für die geheime Sprache unserer Körper. Berlin: Ullstein.
- https://www.idrinstitute.org/dmis/ [ultimo accesso 26.6.2020]- Modello di acquisizione di consapevolezza interculturale e sensibilità
- http://www.payer.de/kommkulturen/kultur043.html [ultimo accesso 10.7.2020] comunicazione non-verbale – prossemica – comunicazone interculturale
- Barmeyer, C. (2012). Taschenlexikon Interkulturalität. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.- Nozioni fondamentali sulla comunicazione interculturale
- Barna, L. M. (1991). Stumbling blocks in Intercultural Communication. In: L.A. Samovar, and E. Porter, ed., Intercultural Communication. A Reader, 6th ed., Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, pp. 345-353.- L’autore elenca una serie di sfide della comunicazione interculturale, illustrandone le ragioni
- Kammbuber, S. (2005). Interkulturelles Konfliktmanagement und Mediation. In: A. Thomas, E.-U. Kinast, S. Schroll-Machl, Handbuch interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kooperation, Vol. 1, 2nd ed., Göttingen: Vandenhoeck Ruprecht, pp. 297-306.- L’articolo fornisce informazioni sulle modalità con cui i soggetti coinvolti valutano, percepiscono e gestiscono i conflitti interculturali sulla base del proprio background culturale.
- Ting-Toomey, S. (1994). Managing Intercultural Conflicts Effectively. In: L. Samovar and R. Porter, ed., Intercultural Communication. A Reader. 7th ed., Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, pp. 360-372.- L’articolo sottolinea l’importanza della dimensione culturale “individualismo – collettivismo” nei diversi approcci ai conflitti interculturali
- Ting-Toomey, S. (2001). Managing intercultural conflict effectively. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage.- Testo che analizza i fondamenti culturali dei conflitti interculturali, applicando la teoria a casi concreti
- https://www.austausch-macht-schule.org/materialien/ikus [ultimo accesso 10.7.2020] [Link a pdf, mancante]- Articolo interessante sull’apprendimento interculturale e le sue sfide
- https://www.umsetzungsberatung.de/konflikte/konfliktpraevention.php [ultimo accesso 10.7.2020]- Sito dedicato alla prevenzione dei conflitti, con particolare riferimento all’ambito aziendale.
- Luthe, D. (1994). Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für Nonprofit-Organisationen. Eine Arbeitshilfe. Augsburg: MaroVerlag. Testo datato, ma ancora valido, che offre una guida alle pubbliche relazioni nel settore non-profit
- Missoni, E. e Alesani, D. (2014). Management of International Institutions and NGOs. London and New York: Routledge. Panoramica approfondita su importanti aspetti della gestione di organizzazioni non-profit
- Usunier, J.-C. and Lee, J.A. (2005). Marketing across cultures. 4th ed., Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited. Panoramica approfondita su temi culturalmente correlati nelle teorie di marketing
- Usunier, J.-C. and Lee, J.A. (2013). Marketing across cultures. 6th ed., Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited. Panoramica approfondita su temi culturalmente correlati nelle teorie di marketing.
- https://s3.amazonaws.com/webprofile-ngos/Files/22/INGO-Accountability-Charter_en.pdf [ultimo accesso 20.7.2020] Protocollo sviluppato e sottoscritto dai membri di Accountable Now (www.accountablenow.org) , società che offre supporto alle altre organizzazione non-profit in tema di trasparenza e responsabilità
- https://www.entrepreneur.com/encyclopedia/image [ultimo accesso 23.7.2020] Enciclopedia dell’impresa online
- https://www.drk.de/en/the-grc/partners-of-the-grc/the-international-red-cross/ [ultimo accesso 23.7.2020] Homepage della Società della Croce Rossa tedesca
- https://www.fundsforngos.org/featured-articles/7-steps-for-ngos-to-build-a-network/ [ultimo accesso 23.7.2020] Piattaforma informativa sulle possibilità di fundraising; offre anche strumenti utili alla stesura di proposte, alla creazione di reti ecc.
- https://www.salto-youth.net/downloads/toolbox_tool_download-file-591/COMMUNICATION%20AND%20NETWORKING%20FOR%20NGOs.html [ultimo accesso 23.7.2020] Homepage di Salto Youth, un progetto dell’Unione Europea, in collaborazione con i programmi Erasmus+ Youth e Servizi volontario europeo, che offre supporto, formazione, opportunità di apprendimento e formazione avanzati rivolta ai giovani