- Introduction
- Introduction to projects management systems
- Planning project structure, methodology and resources
- Online tools to support project management
- AdminProject
- Basecamp
- Microsoft Project
- Monday
- Trello
- Strong and weak points of these tools
- EU tools and platforms: Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, EPALE, etc.
- Quiz
- External resources
External resources
- https://mfiles.pl/pl/index.php/Zarz%C4%85dzanie_projektem – Project management – definition, Project Management Cycle Model.
- http://bblog.pl/top-10/10-narzedzi-do-zarzadzania-projektami/ – Basic planning support tools.
- http://bblog.pl/top-10/10-narzedzi-do-zarzadzania-projektami/ – Project management tools.
- https://study.com/academy/lesson/project-management-system-definition-example.html – Introduction to Project Management System.
- https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects_en – Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
- http://goprojekt.pl/baza_wiedzy/strona/korzysci_z_zarzadzania_projektami/ – Benefits of project management.