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EWMD International - Mentoring Program

Empleabilidad y espíritu empresarial

Igualdad y no discriminación

Identidad y valores europeos

Mentoring has been proven to have a significant impact on peoples‘ careers. Personal growth and learning is a key skill in today‘s business world and the exchange of knowledge is crucial to achieve that goal. Mentoring accelerates self-development, career progression, and overall self-confidence. The EWMD collects a lot of experienced and senior women who are willingly sharing their knowledge over webinars and the personal exchange already. Bringing these two subjects – the personal learning journey and the existing knowledge in our network – together in a systematic approach seems like the next logical step.

European Women's Management Development Network

European Women's Management Development is an international nonprofit network established in 1984 by women for women and men in management.
Our main goal is to increase women's visibility and participation in higher positions in business and society. EWMD believes that quality levels of management can be increased and enriched through more female presence and diversity. EWMD is constantly engaged in international dialogue, contributing to and profiting from the whole Network through global interaction and exchange. We aim to support women's careers in management and further develop the knowledge and skills of female executives on a national and international level.


Anklamer Straße 38
10115 Berlin

Our main goal is to increase women's visibility and participation in higher positions in business and society. EWMD believes that quality levels of management can be increased and enriched through more female presence and diversity.

Very high impact

Funciones de los voluntarios


Planificó el proyecto

Gestionó el proyecto

Han estado involucrados en la implementación

Financiación propia

Eu program

Financiación colectiva

"EWMD is constantly engaged in international dialogue, contributing to and profiting from the whole Network through global interaction and exchange. We aim to support women's careers in management and further develop the knowledge and skills of female executives on a national and international level."

inclusion, gender equality, international, interaction, support

Normas de calidad del proyecto con voluntarios

Declaro que mi proyecto cumple todos los requisitos de calidad aquí enumerados

  • Hay resultados claros y planificados para la comunidad local basados en las necesidades identificadas.
  • Los voluntarios aportan un valor añadido al proyecto y no sustituyen al personal remunerado.
  • Los voluntarios son contratados, formados y gestionados de acuerdo con el ciclo de gestión de la calidad del voluntariado.
  • Las condiciones de la oportunidad están en consonancia con el marco legal pertinente del país/región en cuestión. Por ejemplo, en cuanto a seguros, pago de gastos, acuerdos/contratos, etc.
  • Se celebra y agradece a los voluntarios su tiempo y compromiso.

  • La organización que ofrece la oportunidad de voluntariado demuestra un enfoque inclusivo. Los voluntarios de todos los orígenes y situaciones son bienvenidos.

  • Existe la oportunidad de que el aprendizaje adquirido a través del voluntariado sea validado, si el voluntario lo desea.

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