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2020 Changemakers

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Welcome to Changemakers 2020! We are a group of joyful, motivated youngsters who want to put our weight into fighting climate change. Through the European Solidarity Corps we created a project about the environment, media and activism. We aim to stimulate awareness and to confront ourselves with our impact on the environment. By learning from each other on an international level, we will be able to actively make a difference. After the project we will spread our message to a wider audience.

Koning Kevin

Koning Kevin is a non profit organisation acknowledged by the Flemish Government as Youth Work. Our purpose is to stimulate and encourage a responsible, playful and animated attitude by children and youth.
We organise activities with a focus on creativity. We include music, visual arts, media, movement and theater. We work with a staff of 9 people and almost 200 volunteers.

We provide training to youngsters who want to work with youth on a voluntary basis. Therefore we have our own series of courses and we provide internships for them in our own organization.
During the summer we organise summer camps with a strong focus on creativity. Our volunteers are all trained by Koning Kevin.


Kapellekensweg 2
3010 Kessel-Lo

Partner 1

Embaixada de Juventude

Embaixada da Juventude (EJ) is a dynamic non-profit youth organization that initiates and implements local projects of the positive social impact, particularly in the field of social inclusion and whereas young people have a central role. It was established in 2015 as a successor to the Morpheus award project, an initiative on the rural side of Paredes to study the needs of the youngsters. As a fruitful outcome, EJ, creates local initiatives aiming to bypass the urban division and provide a fulfilling and productive life for the youngsters. Currently EJ has 3 main areas of activity. social entrepreneurship, project management and active citizenship.


Avenida de Republica 73
Baltar, Porto

We aim for our project to have a positive impact on multiple levels and leave us and the youngsters from our partner organisation feeling enriched in various areas.

- Get together and create hands on opportunities for engagement in solidarity activities affecting positive societal change.
- Giving ourselves and each other the opportunity to improve skills and competences for personal, educational, social, civic, cultural and professional development: we will work on working in international teams, communicating in a foreign language and in a different context, digital skills, management of a project etc.
- Stimulating awareness and confronting ourselves with the positive and negative impact of our behavior on the environment.

For the organisations involved:
- To strengthen each organisation and create a long-term impact on the daily operation
- Learning to think in a different way and to be open for other cultures and languages.

Local, national and international impact:
- Expand the project to a larger public
- Stimulating awareness and confronting our viewers with the positive and negative impact of our behavior on the environment.

Working together with youngsters from local community. Listening to the local needs, join efforts, connect with each other.

Rola wolontariuszy


Planowali projekt

Zarządzali projektem

Byli zaangażowani we wdrożenie

Eu program

International projects are for me the way to connect with others, to widen my horizon. I improve my social skills and learn more about interesting topics like gender, environment...

Youth Work, Activism, Agency

Standardy jakości w projektach z udziałem wolontariuszy

Oświadczam, że mój projekt spełnia wszystkie wymienione tu wymagania jakościowe

  • Istnieją jasne, zaplanowane rezultaty dla społeczności lokalnej, oparte na zidentyfikowanych potrzebach.
  • Wolontariusze wnoszą do projektu wartość dodaną i nie zastępują płatnego personelu.
  • Wolontariusze są rekrutowani, szkoleni i zarządzani zgodnie z cyklem zarządzania wolontariatem wysokiej jakości.
  • Warunki pracy wolontariuszy są zgodne z odpowiednimi ramami prawnymi obowiązującymi w danym kraju/regionie. Np. ubezpieczenie, zwrot kosztów, porozumienia/kontrakty itp.
  • Wolontariusze są nagradzani i dziękuje się im za ich czas i zaangażowanie.


  • Organizacja, która organizuje wolontariat, stosuje podejście integracyjne. Wolontariusze z różnych środowisk są mile widziani.


  • Jeśli wolontariusz sobie tego życzy, ma możliwość walidacji wiedzy zdobytej podczas wolontariatu.


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