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Działania na rzecz klimatu, ochrona środowiska i przyrody

Zdolność do zatrudnienia i przedsiębiorczość

Włączenie społeczne

Our goal is to develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young volunteers. It will also promote active citizenship and mutual understanding among the youth involved. This volunteering project, in terms of sustenance, is explained through a series of environmental education and communication, conservation and development activities.


It focuses on Sustainable Development as an alternative to natural degradation and as a solution to local needs. Our aims are the study, dissemination and defence of the environment, and the promotion of a possible and necessary change in the relationship between human beings and nature in a sustainable model, hence the name of the association.


Avenida das Caldas nº8 entresuelo derecho

Partner 1

Stichting EcodorpenNetwerk

The Dutch ecovillage network (ecodorpen netwerk/GEN-NL) is active since 2013 and established as a foundation in 2015. In the network 35-40 community initiatives and ecovillages in the Netherlands are actively involved. The aims of the network include support of existing and emerging initiatives, lobby, research, education, information and networking.


Waalbandijk 8, 4064 CB, Varik

Partner 2

ProAtlântico - Associação Juvenil

ProAtlântico - Associação Juvenil is a non-profit youth organisation, founded in 2001 in Oeiras Council, based in Vila Fria (Porto Salvo) and carries out projects that aim the occupation of free time at the same time that gives the chance to young people to promote their active participation by taking part in European youth projects and in local voluntary activities.
ProAtlântico develops its work based in partnership with local Social Care organisations like Foster Homes, Support Centers for People with Disabilities, Senior Daily Centers offering the chance to their target groups to take part in the projects.


Venida Dra Laura Ayres 60, 2740 048, Oeiras

Our goal is to develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young volunteers. It will also promote active citizenship and mutual understanding among the youth involved. This volunteering project, in terms of sustenance, is explained through a series of environmental education and communication, conservation and development activities.

Through the learning experiences, our volunteers will improve and acquire skills for their personal, educational and professional development, as well as for their social integration. With this Volunteering Project, from Sustinea, we support the transnational volunteer work of young people.

Rola wolontariuszy


Zarządzali projektem

Byli zaangażowani we wdrożenie

Eu program

Not available

Employability and entrepreneurship Climate action, environment and nature protection Inclusion

Standardy jakości w projektach z udziałem wolontariuszy

Oświadczam, że mój projekt spełnia wszystkie wymienione tu wymagania jakościowe

  • Istnieją jasne, zaplanowane rezultaty dla społeczności lokalnej, oparte na zidentyfikowanych potrzebach.
  • Wolontariusze wnoszą do projektu wartość dodaną i nie zastępują płatnego personelu.
  • Wolontariusze są rekrutowani, szkoleni i zarządzani zgodnie z cyklem zarządzania wolontariatem wysokiej jakości.
  • Warunki pracy wolontariuszy są zgodne z odpowiednimi ramami prawnymi obowiązującymi w danym kraju/regionie. Np. ubezpieczenie, zwrot kosztów, porozumienia/kontrakty itp.
  • Wolontariusze są nagradzani i dziękuje się im za ich czas i zaangażowanie.


  • Organizacja, która organizuje wolontariat, stosuje podejście integracyjne. Wolontariusze z różnych środowisk są mile widziani.


  • Jeśli wolontariusz sobie tego życzy, ma możliwość walidacji wiedzy zdobytej podczas wolontariatu.


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