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"Dancing through Europe"


Edukacja i szkolenia

The below description was adapted from the official online materials of partner organizations.

International Seniors Volunteering Project „Dancing through Europe!” was an initiative launched by two organizations: Foundation Institute for Creative Activities from Poland and European Association 'World-Our Home' from Latgalia region in Latvia. It was implemented as a part of European Commission programme Grundtvig.
The main goal of the project was to support a long – term cooperation between two partner organisations and to facilitate persons 50+ to participate in volunteering activities at international dimension. The main topic of "Dancing through Europe!" was folk culture. During voluntary service seniors learned about tradition, history but also about present times of partner's country.
There were 6 volunteers (seniors) from Poland and 6 from Latvia. They shared experience, tradition.

Foundation Institute for Creative Activities (FERSO)

The FERSO Foundation has existed since 2003. Its main goal is to support the sustainable development of civil society through education, art and multimedia technologies. The Foundation achieves its goals, in particular, by organizing and financing seminars, symposia, workshops and training courses. It organizes comprehensive educational workshops, field activities, trips, green schools, summer and winter camps, concerts, theater performances, publications, exhibitions and sports events. The activities are addressed mainly to teachers, school and preschool children, youth and the local community.


Fundacja Edukacji i Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego
ul. 28 Pułku Strzelców Kaniowskich 71/73
90-558 Łódź

The project aimed to develop competences and knowledge of volunteers - especially in terms of new traditions and customs. Its main aim was also to promote understanding amongst EU citizens thanks to international and intercultural experience. The volunteers could learn from each others.

Volunteers shared knowledge with local community - working with children, youth and seniors.
During volunteering time, seniors established international contacts, friendships and partnerships which will contribute to the further cooperation.
(Both in a formal and informal dimension).

Rola wolontariuszy


Byli zaangażowani we wdrożenie

part of EU-programme/ co-funding

Seniors, Volunteers, dance, culture, local community

Standardy jakości w projektach z udziałem wolontariuszy

Oświadczam, że mój projekt spełnia wszystkie wymienione tu wymagania jakościowe

  • Istnieją jasne, zaplanowane rezultaty dla społeczności lokalnej, oparte na zidentyfikowanych potrzebach.
  • Wolontariusze wnoszą do projektu wartość dodaną i nie zastępują płatnego personelu.
  • Wolontariusze są rekrutowani, szkoleni i zarządzani zgodnie z cyklem zarządzania wolontariatem wysokiej jakości.
  • Warunki pracy wolontariuszy są zgodne z odpowiednimi ramami prawnymi obowiązującymi w danym kraju/regionie. Np. ubezpieczenie, zwrot kosztów, porozumienia/kontrakty itp.
  • Wolontariusze są nagradzani i dziękuje się im za ich czas i zaangażowanie.


  • Organizacja, która organizuje wolontariat, stosuje podejście integracyjne. Wolontariusze z różnych środowisk są mile widziani.


  • Jeśli wolontariusz sobie tego życzy, ma możliwość walidacji wiedzy zdobytej podczas wolontariatu.


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