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TALK WITH ME - Voluntary Language Mentors for Young Refugees

Edukacja i szkolenia

Równość i przeciwdziałanie dyskryminacji

Praca z młodzieżą

The overall aim of this project is to improve the integration of refugees in different European countries and to support volunteers who are working with refugees across Europe by setting up a volunteer language mentor programme for young refugees.

Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e. V.

With the activities and projects the organisation would like to contribute to the elimination of discrimination and inequality in society, education and the world of work and hope to achieve equal opportunities for everyone.


Leopoldstraße 9
94032 Passau

Partner 1

Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre (CNVC)

Legally founded as an independent organization in December 2004. Before this date, CNVC was functioning as a department within the ProVobis National Volunteer Centre. Through its official formation, CNVC continues and enhances, extends and innovates the activity of the ProVobis’ Local Programs Department.


Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca
Nicoleta Chiș-Racolța (Executive director)
str. Virgil Fulicea nr. 1 ap. 1
400022 Cluj-Napoca

Partner 2

Tulip Foundation Bulgaria

Tulip Foundation has a mission to encourage social responsibility in Bulgarian society by enhancing co-operation among civil society, the corporate sector, national and local authorities to improve the quality of life and developmental opportunities for the people. Tulip Foundation provides grants, training and networking opportunities for civil organisations as well as forums for exchange and cooperation with the business.


Tulip Foundation
Maria Petkova (Director)
1 Reka Osam street floor 1 ap. 2
Sofia 1124, Bulgaria

Due to international crises and wars, large numbers of refugees are seeking asylum in Europe. Three volunteer organisations from Germany, Bulgaria and Romania have decided to concentrate on one problem most of the refugees coming to their country must face: they are not able to understand and speak the language of their host country. The language barrier is a great challenge – not only to the refugees themselves but also to those who are trying to support them. Only if refugees are able to communicate in the language of their host country, they can express themselves directly without having to rely on translation services. This is where volunteers come into play: they can help refugees to learn and practise the local language. The overall aim of this project is to improve the integration of refugees in different European countries and to support volunteers who are working with refugees across Europe.

As our programme is easy to implement and requires small financial resources, we hope that other NGOs will be inspired and encouraged to realise similar projects. And of course, we hope that this programme leads to friendships between young locals and young refugees. This is the key to integration: to be able to speak the local language, to have someone to talk to, and to be connected within the local community.

Rola wolontariuszy


Byli zaangażowani we wdrożenie

Eu program

Not available

Integration, language, learning, volunteers, migrants, friendship, exchange.

Standardy jakości w projektach z udziałem wolontariuszy

Oświadczam, że mój projekt spełnia wszystkie wymienione tu wymagania jakościowe

  • Istnieją jasne, zaplanowane rezultaty dla społeczności lokalnej, oparte na zidentyfikowanych potrzebach.
  • Wolontariusze wnoszą do projektu wartość dodaną i nie zastępują płatnego personelu.
  • Wolontariusze są rekrutowani, szkoleni i zarządzani zgodnie z cyklem zarządzania wolontariatem wysokiej jakości.
  • Warunki pracy wolontariuszy są zgodne z odpowiednimi ramami prawnymi obowiązującymi w danym kraju/regionie. Np. ubezpieczenie, zwrot kosztów, porozumienia/kontrakty itp.
  • Wolontariusze są nagradzani i dziękuje się im za ich czas i zaangażowanie.


  • Organizacja, która organizuje wolontariat, stosuje podejście integracyjne. Wolontariusze z różnych środowisk są mile widziani.


  • Jeśli wolontariusz sobie tego życzy, ma możliwość walidacji wiedzy zdobytej podczas wolontariatu.


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