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Bridges over Culture

Edukacja i szkolenia

International exchange, Intercultural experience, social work

A description from the official website of the organization below:

"Bridges over Culture is a European Volunteering Service project we received funds for in order to make it possible for a Polish volunteer, Justyna to stay in Russia for a period of one year.
During her stay in St. Petersburg, from October 2018 to September 2019, Justyna helped in the implementation of the School for All activity. It involves working with families to prevent children from living in the orphanage. Justyna was involved both in helping at the daycare center for children between 6 and 16 years old, as well as in running the so-called Employment center for minors and adults with developmental disabilities."

INPRO Assosiation Poland

INPRO Assosiation consists of international team members - a group of friends who decided to join together and form an organization which will work on joint initiatives. These are experienced volunteers.
The members of assosiation belive that international aspects and intercultural experience shape the right attitudes.
INPRO's focus is on self-development of young people from Rzeszow city (Poland) and local communities.


Plac Dworcowy 1
35-201 Rzeszów

Partner 1

St. Petersburg Charity Organization Perspectivy

"Perspectives is a collective of charity organizations working to better the lives of disabled children and adults in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Officially started in Germany in 1992, Perspectives has provided care for physically and mentally disabled children and adults, and supported families raising disabled children for over 20 years. In times of personal and social turmoil, we have consistently served as a helping hand for those who have had nowhere to turn."


191180, St.Petersburg, Gorokhovaya ul, 64-17

The main aim was to support the local community of daycare center for children in St. Petersburg and the Employment center for minors and adults with developmental disabilities.The institutions gained a volunteer with an open heart and ready to work hard. At the same time Justyna gained experience in social work and was able to create a cultural bridge.

"Justyna spent time with children, developing self-acceptance and respect in them, encouraging them to be independent, gain new experience, to move, while taking care of their safety. Justyna played with children, giving them a chance to fulfill their natural need to play. She also cooperated with the teacher, having her share in the development of the children."

Rola wolontariuszy


Byli zaangażowani we wdrożenie

Eu program

#International exchange

Standardy jakości w projektach z udziałem wolontariuszy

Oświadczam, że mój projekt spełnia wszystkie wymienione tu wymagania jakościowe

  • Istnieją jasne, zaplanowane rezultaty dla społeczności lokalnej, oparte na zidentyfikowanych potrzebach.
  • Wolontariusze wnoszą do projektu wartość dodaną i nie zastępują płatnego personelu.
  • Wolontariusze są rekrutowani, szkoleni i zarządzani zgodnie z cyklem zarządzania wolontariatem wysokiej jakości.
  • Warunki pracy wolontariuszy są zgodne z odpowiednimi ramami prawnymi obowiązującymi w danym kraju/regionie. Np. ubezpieczenie, zwrot kosztów, porozumienia/kontrakty itp.
  • Wolontariusze są nagradzani i dziękuje się im za ich czas i zaangażowanie.


  • Organizacja, która organizuje wolontariat, stosuje podejście integracyjne. Wolontariusze z różnych środowisk są mile widziani.


  • Jeśli wolontariusz sobie tego życzy, ma możliwość walidacji wiedzy zdobytej podczas wolontariatu.


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