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A international youth exchange took place and was attended by 33 young people and 10 youth leaders. Participants came from Slovenia, Croatia, Germany and Great Britain. Young migrants and refugees were also among the participants. The theme of this exchange was directed at the stories.

Filantropija Slovenska

Slovenian Philanthropy, Association for the Promotion of Volunteering, is a humanitarian organisation that has been in the public interest since 1992. Our programs are aimed at raising the quality of living in the community and in the advocacy of the socially weaker. Our core activity is to promote volunteering, as we believe that by volunteering we can all contribute to a better and more tolerant society based on respect for all, regardless of personal and life circumstances. We offer training for volunteers, mentors and organizers of volunteering and educational content for various stakeholders.


Road Dolomite Detached 11
1000 Ljubljana

The purpose of the exchange was to enable quality holidays, where they could come into genuine contact with themselves and with others. Together, they created an intercultural environment in which everyone had the opportunity to talk openly about their personal challenges

Young people came into an intercultural environment that allowed them to meet new people, learn, create and create new friendships.

Ruolo dei volontari


Sono stati coinvolti nell'attuazione

Eu program

I heard that there were volunteers as well as minor refugees and asylum seekers among the participants, which I thought was a good opportunity to meet new people, but I was not entirely sure of what to expect. In the end, it turned out to be an invaluable experience for me. I feel like I've gone through a lot of personality change, I've had a different view of the world since then and I see things more broadly.

youth exchange, refugees, migrants

Standard di qualità del progetto con i volontari

Dichiaro che il mio progetto soddisfa tutti i requisiti di qualità qui elencati

  • Vi sono risultati chiari e pianificati per la comunità locale sulla base dei bisogni identificati.
  • I volontari apportano valore aggiunto al progetto e non sostituiscono il personale retribuito.
  • I volontari vengono reclutati, formati e gestiti secondo programma di qualità.
  • Le condizioni dell'opportunità di volontariato sono in linea con il quadro giuridico pertinente nel paese/regione interessato. Ad esempio per quanto riguarda assicurazioni, pagamenti di spese, accordi/contratti ecc.
  • I volontari sono riconosciuti e ringraziati per il loro tempo e impegno.

  • L'organizzazione che offre l'opportunità di volontariato dimostra un approccio inclusivo. Sono benvenuti volontari di ogni provenienza e situazione.

  • C'è la possibilità di validare l'apprendimento acquisito attraverso il volontariato, se il volontario lo desidera.

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