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INTERCULTURE 5S: International Voluntary Service for Solidarity in the Sphere of Urban Development

International, intercultural exchange

Polish city - the city of Lublin - invited volunteers aged 18-30 from Ukraine and Poland for a period of 3 weeks. During that time the volunteers could see the historical site of the city and the urban area of Lublin in general. Additionally, the volunteers helped with the organization of an event: "Wschód Kultury – Inne Brzmienia" which is a festival.
Additionally, volunteers from Ukraine attended some Polish language classes.

This project received funding from the EU's European Solidarity Corps.

The city of Lublin, Poland

The below description was adapted/ translated from official material available on the organization's website.

Lublin is the largest city in the east of Poland.
Lublin is a city of inspiration where the awareness of history inspires the future. Renowned international art events, theater, music and contemporary art festivals take place here. The high level of the cultural offer is also ensured by theaters, galleries and student clubs operating in the city.
Lublin is also a city famous for its vast majority of universities.


Lublin City Hall authorities: plac Króla Władysława Łokietka 1, 20-109 Lublin

The project aims to:
- promote volunteering experience
- promote international volunteering
- share international experience
- train the participants on organizing big city events

The volunteers will gain experience while they can help organize big city event. For volunteers from Ukraine this will be a great opportunity to visit a different country and learn about its culture.
Local community will have a chance to observe the cooperation between Polish ad Ukrainian volunteers which will help create an attitude of openess.

Funciones de los voluntarios


Han estado involucrados en la implementación

Eu program

volunteers, international exchange, city event

Normas de calidad del proyecto con voluntarios

Declaro que mi proyecto cumple todos los requisitos de calidad aquí enumerados

  • Hay resultados claros y planificados para la comunidad local basados en las necesidades identificadas.
  • Los voluntarios aportan un valor añadido al proyecto y no sustituyen al personal remunerado.
  • Los voluntarios son contratados, formados y gestionados de acuerdo con el ciclo de gestión de la calidad del voluntariado.
  • Las condiciones de la oportunidad están en consonancia con el marco legal pertinente del país/región en cuestión. Por ejemplo, en cuanto a seguros, pago de gastos, acuerdos/contratos, etc.
  • Se celebra y agradece a los voluntarios su tiempo y compromiso.

  • La organización que ofrece la oportunidad de voluntariado demuestra un enfoque inclusivo. Los voluntarios de todos los orígenes y situaciones son bienvenidos.

  • Existe la oportunidad de que el aprendizaje adquirido a través del voluntariado sea validado, si el voluntario lo desea.

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