Target audiences and how to reach them
Every dissemination and exploitation strategy must identify target groups for its messages. Target groups can be decision-makers at local, regional, national, European levels. They can be volunteers, volunteer managers, staff in different institutions- museums, hospitals, schools, local authorities, other volunteer-involving-organisations, networks, education and training providers, researchers, press and media, and so on. Activities and messages must be adapted to each audience.
Some tips!
- Translate as many communication materials and project outputs in as many languages as possible. Cover all languages of the partnership and English;
- Link the topic of the project to current concerns in society
- Avoid technical language and jargon
- Capitalise on visual and interactive ways to send your message out
- Use social media based on needs and project capacity
Which tools to use?
- the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform,
- project or organisational websites,
- meetings and visits to key stakeholders,
- information sessions, workshops, (online) seminars, training courses, exhibitions, demonstrations, or peer reviews,
- reports, articles in specialised press, newsletters, press releases, leaflets or brochures,
- audiovisual media: radio, TV, YouTube, Flickr, video clips, podcasts or apps,
- social media channels,
- public events, (specifically planned for the project or others existing for other purposes that can also be used)
- project branding and logos,
- existing contacts and networks.