CSVnet is the Association of the Italian Volunteer Support Centres
CSVnet is the Association of the Italian Volunteer Support Centres (CSVs). The Italian CSVs infrastructure promote solidarity and social inclusion, the CSVs provide to the Italian volunteering organizations and volunteers with free-of-charge consultancy, services, training, information and stimuli for networking between them, with other third sector entities and local authorities. CSVnet takes inspiration from the values of solidarity, democracy, pluralism and adopts the principles expressed in the National Charter of Volunteering Values (link IITA) and the P.A.V.E. Policy Agenda for Volunteering in Europe. Its objective is to strengthen the cooperation and exchange of experiences, expertise and services among CSV and to promote solidarity and culture of volunteering in Italy and abroad. It works as a permanent tool for cooperation and confrontation on active citizenship, inclusion, solidarity and public recognition of volunteering. CSVnet aims also to provide tools of innovation and excellence for volunteers.
CSVnet is based in Rome with an operational office in Brussels. It has also some thematic project, among which:
- Infobandi: one of the most important free portals to get information on opportunities related to national and international calls for tenders.
- Lever Up: it’s an innovative methodology to validate trasversal skills gained through volunteering. Lever Up has been developed by an European consortium funded by Erasmus+.
- Tanti per tutti: born from the homonymous project of CSVnet and Fiaf (Federazione italiana associazioni fotografiche, Italian federation of photography associations), this web site makes publicly available a selection of 1,400 of the over 10,000 photographs taken by 700 authors in volunteering Italy.
CSVnet ha sede a Roma con sede operativa a Bruxelles. Ha anche alcuni progetti tematici, tra i quali:
Infobandi: uno dei più importanti portali gratuiti per avere informazioni sulle opportunità legate ai bandi nazionali e internazionali.
Lever Up: è una metodologia innovativa per validare le competenze trasversali acquisite attraverso il volontariato. Lever Up è stato sviluppato da un consorzio europeo finanziato da Erasmus+.
Tanti per tutti: nato dall’omonimo progetto di CSVnet e Fiaf (Federazione italiana associazioni fotografiche), questo sito mette a disposizione del pubblico una selezione di 1.400 delle oltre 10.000 fotografie realizzate da 700 autori nel volontariato Italia.”

Centre For Education And Entrepreneurship Support
Centre For Education And Entrepreneurship Support (CWEP) is an non-governmental organization founded in 2004 by group of entrepreneurs, teachers and social activists from Rzeszów. CWEP cooperates with businesses and educational institutions. Mission of CWEP is to increase the quality of education training at all levels and in all its forms as well as to promote entrepreneurship in order to foster integration of any social group regardless of gender, age and ethnic origin. The aim of the CWEP is to promote and implement the best solutions that serve this purpose. Particularly, the aims are to improve accessibility, quality and efficiency of education of all people, to promote and contribute to adult education, life-long learning, e-learning and the usage of new technologies in education and entrepreneurship. The Association works with many partners from Europe in order to strengthen economic position of enterprises and provides on-line platform for companies.

Valencia Inno Hub (INNOHUB)
Valencia Inno Hub (INNOHUB) is a Spanish non-profit organization born with the objective of putting together talent, technology and professional development. It aims is to promote entrepreneurship through actions supporting an innovative and technology creation environment. Innohub believes in the necessity of change in the economic model in order to create a more competitive and value-adding economy, facilitating the necessary tools for our companies and individuals.
INNOHUB has specialist experience in running a range of workshops, training courses and mentoring programs aimed at individuals who are interested in starting up or developing their business. Through our organization, the entrepreneurs, Start-Ups and future entrepreneurs have access more easily to the information that is necessary for their activity.
INNO HUB supports entrepreneurs, Start-Ups, as well as individuals from disadvantage groups facing different factors of exclusion: youngsters and adults with educational difficulties, unemployed with economic or social obstacles. By mentoring and training we are able to empower disadvantaged and low-skilled and building their entrepreneurial and self-employment skills.

Assist international Human Resources
assist international Human Resources offers intercultural training, leadership training, communication training as well as coaching, consulting and international workshops with innovative, blended learning instruments to support the sustainable development of your international teams, your leaders and your business.
The assist international HR team consists of experienced, professional business trainers, facilitators, coaches and consultants. We strive to help your international growth with customised international human resource solutions. Our contribution to the sustainable success of your Global Business.
With our unique blended learning concept, Smart international Learning, we complement our face-to-face training with innovative learning formats to optimise the learning efficiency and sustainability of training content and competence. Our customers are both public and private sector, international corporations, larger and medium sized organisations. Since 2014 assist is also involved in EU-project partnerships, providing intercultural know –how for online learning.

European Volunteer Centre (CEV)
The Centre for European Volunteering (CEV) (until 1 July 2020 known as the European Volunteer Centre), established in 1992, is the European network of over 60 organisations dedicated to the promotion of, and support to, volunteers and volunteering in Europe at European, national or regional level.
Through our network we aim to be the leading voice in the values-based volunteering debate in Europe, influencing and sharing the current trends & challenges and those predicted for the future, developing and providing policy advice and expertise for European Policymakers so that volunteering policies and programmes developed at European level are effective and fit for purpose. Network members are also supported to further their own objectives at national/regional & European level by the protection and support for a free and enabling civil society space, advocating for suitable European funding support, and by developing supportive policy statements at the European level on pertinent volunteering issues. In this way, reaching out to the many thousands of volunteers and volunteer organisations in Europe as a source of support in bringing the European dimension to their work.