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"Poznani nieznani" (The foreigners we met)

Helping refugees

10 volunteers from Poland went to a Greek island, Lesbos to help and meet refugees there - these are people running away from the war in Afghanistan, Syria and African countries. Volunteers help prepare food packages for the refugees and also they can talk to the people and meet them in person. They also had an opportunity to see the refugees' campsite. Another responsibility of the volunteers is education, especially teaching English language.


The below description is the adapted/ translated content of material available on official website of the organization.

CARITAS POLSKA is a pastoral charity institution of the Catholic Church and the largest social and charity organization in Poland, which provides professional, multidimensional help to the excluded, the poor, living with various types of deficits. Caritas Polska, being their voice and spokesman, refers to clearly defined evangelical values, which set the criteria for assessing social reality and appropriate principles of operation: the principle of the common good, subsidiarity, solidarity and social love.
Caritas Polska is a member of the confederation (170 member states) Caritas Internationalis based in the Vatican and the regional association Caritas Europa (46 member states) with a secretariat in Brussels and cooperates with the Vatican Dicastery for Integral Human Development, religious congregations, state and local administration, organizations social and religious, the business sector and all people of good will.


ul. Okopowa 55,
01-043 Warszawa

The project aims to:
- help the refugees at a refugees' campsite in Greece - preparing food, education, and conversation
- getting to know the people; showing open attitude

Volunteers have the chance to "make a change" while they get to know the refugees living in the campsite in Greece (Lesbos island). The refugees will have the opportunity to develop their English language skills and meet a differnt culture - creating a bridge between cultures is essential.

Funciones de los voluntarios


Han estado involucrados en la implementación

Financiación propia

humanitarian relief, education, bridge between cultures, conversation, refugee

Normas de calidad del proyecto con voluntarios

Declaro que mi proyecto cumple todos los requisitos de calidad aquí enumerados

  • Hay resultados claros y planificados para la comunidad local basados en las necesidades identificadas.
  • Los voluntarios aportan un valor añadido al proyecto y no sustituyen al personal remunerado.
  • Los voluntarios son contratados, formados y gestionados de acuerdo con el ciclo de gestión de la calidad del voluntariado.
  • Las condiciones de la oportunidad están en consonancia con el marco legal pertinente del país/región en cuestión. Por ejemplo, en cuanto a seguros, pago de gastos, acuerdos/contratos, etc.
  • Se celebra y agradece a los voluntarios su tiempo y compromiso.

  • La organización que ofrece la oportunidad de voluntariado demuestra un enfoque inclusivo. Los voluntarios de todos los orígenes y situaciones son bienvenidos.

  • Existe la oportunidad de que el aprendizaje adquirido a través del voluntariado sea validado, si el voluntario lo desea.

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