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Dzieci Madagaskaru - Volunteering in Madagascar

Volunteering in Africa, education, humanitarian relief

The Polish Foundation Ankizy Gasy – Children of Madagaskar is cooperating with local educational institutions in Madagascar (schools, kindergarten). The aim is to support these istitutions and take care of the children in Madagascar. This is done by various volunteering programmes of the Foundation - volunteers from Poland arrive in Madagascar to teach children, organize school activities and help build and renovate schools.

Foundation Ankizy Gasy – Children of Madagaskar

The foundation started in 2011. It is a Polish organization which aim is to support educational institutions in Madagascar. The foundation also takes care of the children in this part of Africa. It cooperates with other similar organizations that support Madagascar region. Nevertheless, the essential element of their activities would be volunteers who visit Madagascar to help.


ul. Topolowa 1
63-004 Szewce

The aim of the project is to support children and education in Madagascar - which is one of the poorest countries around the globe. This will be achieved thanks to volunteers from Poland - students and teachers - and other partner organizations.

Thanks to the work of volunteers the children in Madagascar have better access to education, especially foreign languages. Moreover during specific projects, they can be taken care of - volunteers (students from medical universities in Poland), visit the schools in Madagascar and examine the children.Thus, the general well-being of the little patients is monitored.

Funciones de los voluntarios


Han estado involucrados en la implementación

Financiación propia

Madagascar, children, students, education, renovating schools

Normas de calidad del proyecto con voluntarios

Declaro que mi proyecto cumple todos los requisitos de calidad aquí enumerados

  • Hay resultados claros y planificados para la comunidad local basados en las necesidades identificadas.
  • Los voluntarios aportan un valor añadido al proyecto y no sustituyen al personal remunerado.
  • Los voluntarios son contratados, formados y gestionados de acuerdo con el ciclo de gestión de la calidad del voluntariado.
  • Las condiciones de la oportunidad están en consonancia con el marco legal pertinente del país/región en cuestión. Por ejemplo, en cuanto a seguros, pago de gastos, acuerdos/contratos, etc.
  • Se celebra y agradece a los voluntarios su tiempo y compromiso.

  • La organización que ofrece la oportunidad de voluntariado demuestra un enfoque inclusivo. Los voluntarios de todos los orígenes y situaciones son bienvenidos.

  • Existe la oportunidad de que el aprendizaje adquirido a través del voluntariado sea validado, si el voluntario lo desea.

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